Monday, July 31, 2006

There's always bowling..

For the sake of Pittsburghers, I hope something similar doesn't happen to cause a shortage in fireworks....

EL MONTE, CALIF. — Among the unsung victims of recent outbreaks of bird flu is the shuttlecock. Chinese geese have been slaughtered by the millions to prevent the spread of the disease, and that has left a shortage of the fine feathers used to make the badminton projectiles.

Only the thickest, heaviest goose feathers from northern China are used to make premium shuttlecocks and sometimes as few as two feathers per goose make the final cut.

But now, shuttlecock makers are having to settle for substandard feathers, and the sport's devotees in Southern California say the birdies they're buying just aren't the same.

"Everybody complains now, 'What's wrong with the shuttle?'" Dan Chien of El Monte said after a practice session at the San Gabriel Valley Badminton Club. "It was goose feather, but now it feels almost like duck."

The sport is popular among some Chinese immigrants in Southern California, and the region is home to many of the best players in the nation.

Prices have risen 25 percent in recent months, and top of the line shuttlecocks have been going for $25 a dozen as companies compete for limited feathers and players hoard the best birdies.

"If bird flu becomes pandemic, shuttlecock prices could become twofold or threefold higher," said Ahmad Bakar, director of shuttlecock seller Pacific Sports Private Ltd.

The deadly form of bird flu, known as H5N1, swept through poultry populations in parts of Asia beginning in 2003, then jumped to other regions. The World Health Organization says 232 human cases have been reported since 2003, and 134 of those people have died.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


I was driving past my local McDonalds, and noticed their sign that said " Help wanted: $100 signing bonus". Is the fast food job market really that competitive that stores have to entice the best talent with a signing bonus? Where was that offer when I was in high school?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

public transportation

Here are some questions I have about the people who ride the " T" in Pittsburgh:

Why is it that the people who end up standing on the T are the ones who have no control over their balance?

Why do some people sit down, allow others to sit next to them, then get off one stop later?

Why do some people who seem content sitting in their seat, all of a sudden get up and change seats?

Why can't some people understand that the doors on the second car during rush hour do not open at every stop?

stupid is as stupid does

I just finished installing a new ink cartridge in my printer, something I've done dozens of times. Prior to the install I removed the piece of tape on the cartridge, swapped out the old cartridge and did a test print. Nothing printed. I tried printing something else. Still nothing. Took out the cartridge and put in in again. Still nothing. 10 more minutes of this I took out the cartridge and discovered that there was a second piece of tape. There's a period of time that I lost and will never get back..

Monday, July 24, 2006

more from the wrecking ball

The Pittsburgh Penquins are announcing the re-signing of Mark Recchi. Gee, I guess I was wrong to think that when Mario Lemieux retired the team would stop signing his old buddies and has-beens. Don't get me wrong, Recchi was a solid member of the 1991 cup team but does he really fit the current team? When will 2/3 of the Pittsburgh professional sports team let go of the past? I guess it's only a matter of time before the Pirates announce the signing of George Hendrick...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Top 3

Three celebrities who need to go away:

1. Barry Bonds
Tom Cruise
Terrell Owens

what he said

If Senator Ted Stevens had said " the internet is a series of tube tops", would there have been as much backlash?

First Post

This is the first of hopefully many posts, as I jump boldly into the early 2000's and start blogging. Seinfeld was about nothing, and this blog promises to be about nothing much. My postings will basically be my two cents on current events, pop culture, sports and life in general.